
Solving a Rubik’s Cube in 4 Moves: A Quick Guide

The Rubik’s Cube, a seemingly simple puzzle with a deceptively complex solution, has captivated minds for generations. While the standard method involves a series of algorithms and steps, there’s a common misconception: solving it in just 4 moves. Unfortunately, that’s not quite achievable for a scrambled cube. However, this article will explore the concept of 4-move solves and offer alternative approaches that might surprise you.

rubik's cube

Part 1: The Myth of the 4-Move Solution

Why 4 Moves Isn’t Enough:

A scrambled Rubik’s Cube disrupts the arrangement of all its colored squares. Fixing this complexity requires a series of steps to address different aspects like positioning corner and edge pieces, and orienting them correctly. Four moves simply aren’t enough to achieve this level of manipulation.

The Special Case:

It is incredibly rare, but there exists a unique possibility where a specific pre-solved state, not a scramble, can be transformed into another solved state in just 4 moves. However, the odds of this occurring by chance are extremely low, and it demands a precise cube configuration. This phenomenon is a captivating aspect of the Rubik’s Cube, showcasing the intricacies of its mechanics and the complex relationships between its individual pieces. The inherent challenge and complexity of achieving such a feat underscore the depth of the Rubik’s Cube‘s puzzle-solving nature. It encourages enthusiasts and solvers to explore and understand its inner workings, spurring their curiosity and determination. Despite its rarity, the concept of transforming a pre-solved state into another solved state in just 4 moves adds an additional layer of fascination and depth to the already multifaceted world of the Rubik’s Cube.

Part 2: Alternative Approaches for Beginners

Simplifying the Challenge:

Although a complete 4-move solution may not be achievable, it is possible to devise a simplified challenge tailored for beginners. One way to approach this is to begin with a fully solved Rubik’s Cube and then execute a single, specific rotation, such as a right turn. Following this, the challenge is set to solve it in just 4 moves. This exercise serves as an introduction to basic turning techniques and serves as an effective method for honing problem-solving skills. By engaging in this task, beginners can familiarize themselves with the mechanics of the Rubik’s Cube and cultivate their ability to analyze and strategize. Additionally, this approach provides a practical way for novices to grasp fundamental concepts of the cube, laying a solid foundation for more complex problem-solving in the future. This simplified challenge serves as a valuable stepping stone.

Learning Beginner Methods:

For those new to solving the Rubik’s Cube, there are accessible methods designed to simplify the solving process by breaking it down into manageable steps. One such method is the “Beginner’s Fridrich Method,” which offers a systematic approach to solving the cube. This method involves a series of algorithms, which are essentially sequences of moves, strategically designed to address specific aspects of the cube. While these algorithms typically require more than the 4 moves that have been mentioned, they provide a structured and methodical approach to progressing towards a solved state. By following these step-by-step processes, beginners can gradually familiarize themselves with the various mechanics and techniques involved in solving the Rubik’s Cube. These beginner-friendly methods serve as invaluable learning tools, laying a solid foundation for individuals to develop their problem-solving skills and ultimately progress to more advanced solving techniques as they continue to engage with the puzzle.


Part 3: The Power of Recognition and Practice

Pattern Recognition:

As you progress further into the world of Rubik’s Cube solving, you will begin to develop the crucial skill of recognizing specific patterns on the cube. These patterns correspond to particular algorithms that need to be applied in order to solve the cube. Through diligent practice and dedication, the process of identifying these patterns will eventually become second nature, enabling you to swiftly and accurately apply the necessary algorithms to solve the cube. This heightened ability to spot and understand the various patterns on the cube is an essential part of mastering the art of Rubik’s Cube solving, as it allows for more efficient and rapid solving. As you continue to hone your skills and become more adept at deciphering these patterns, you will soon find yourself tackling the Rubik’s Cube with greater confidence and agility, ultimately leading to improved solving times and a deeper understanding of the puzzle’s intricacies.

Muscle Memory and Speed:

Engaging in consistent and dedicated practice of Rubik’s Cube solving plays a fundamental role in building muscle memory for the various algorithms involved. As you repeatedly perform the sequences of moves required to solve the cube, your fingers become attuned to the specific motions, ultimately learning and internalizing the algorithms. This muscle memory not only fosters quicker and more efficient execution of the moves but also facilitates smoother transitions between different steps of the solving process. When coupled with the ability to recognize specific patterns on the cube, this enhanced muscle memory significantly contributes to reducing solving time, enabling you to solve the Rubik’s Cube more swiftly and with increasing precision. As you continue to practice and refine your muscle memory, you will find that your proficiency in solving the Rubik’s Cube improves, ultimately leading to more fluid and seamless solving experiences.

Part 4: Beyond the Basics: Advanced Techniques

Advanced Methods:

For those craving a challenge, advanced methods such as CFOP (Fridrich Method with Corners Only) or Roux provide more efficient solving approaches. These methods involve more complex algorithms but can significantly reduce the number of moves needed compared to beginner methods.


The world of speedcubing pushes the boundaries of speed and efficiency. Speedcubers utilize advanced techniques like “full OLL recognition” (recognizing all possible last layer edge configurations) and “F2L optimization” (optimizing the middle layers) to achieve sub-10-second solves.

rubik's cube

While conquering the Rubik’s Cube in 4 moves might be a fun party trick, the true satisfaction lies in the problem-solving journey. By understanding the concepts, practicing techniques, and exploring advanced methods, you can unlock the world of Rubik’s Cube solving and experience the joy of cracking this iconic puzzle.